Thanks to Gaia, the study of young stars has gained new impetus:
both as members of comoving star-forming regions, and as targets amenable to planet-hunting direct-imaging observations.
(Sub)stellar parameters are usually obtained by comparison with (sub)stellar evolutionary models, i.e. via isochronal fitting.
However, a zoo of such models exist, and there is still no unified framework allowing a omparison of the obtained physical parameters.
To this aim, I developed MADYS, a Python tool for age and mass determination of young stellar and substellar objects. At the moment of writing, MADYS features 16 models, many of which with customizable astrophysical parameters, for a total of ∼ 120 isochrone grids.
Download my tool here!
Publications using MADYS
MADYS, in a nutshell
Fully-automated retrieval and cross-match of photometry, quality flags, astrometry and kinematics
Computation of line-of-sight extinction in all bands by integration of published 3D extinction maps
Choice among 17 theoretical models from the literature (∼120 different isochrone grids)
Fast determination of ages, masses and other parameters by comparison with the selected model